Tuesday 3 November 2009


Really clear explanation to a theory which is sometimes hard to grasp

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Sunday 6 September 2009

Manhattan Portage


Got Mine Today!!

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Sunnytime 09

Collection of photos of summertime

Monday 3 August 2009

Robin Hood Gardens


Album Cover of The Month (August)

Just bought this album and i thought the cover was worth a mention i liked it so much i just bought it on vinyl, the type is not so strong but the image i am very fond of.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Album Cover of The Month (July)

Fleet Foxes (2008)

Oasis, Kasabian, The Enemy Day

Me and Howard (George) Allen. Wembly stadium for the Oasis Gig. Much Goodness

Russel Howard!

A couple of weeks ago me and some of my friends from one of my old jobs went to my 15th favourite city in the world....Oxford. and we managed to interview him as part of his DVD out in October. this is proof


New website in the making. www.crisnortheast.co.uk

Tuesday 9 June 2009

What i Should Have Done

These are some lovely gems i found on CR i like the intergration between the illustration and type

Illustration Project

play time, trying to put my research to use.

Monday 25 May 2009

Album Cover of The Month (May)

Switchfoot - A Beautiful Letdown (2006)


Mk12 - Stranger Than Fiction

MK12 was founded in 2000 by four friends (Timmy Fisher, Ben Radatz, Matt Frac tion, and Jed Carter) who met at the Kansas City Art Insti tute. They pre vi ously worked with Quan tum of Solace direc tor Marc Forster, design ing open ing credit titles for the movies Stranger Than Fic tion (2006) and The Kite Runner (2007). Their help was enlisted by visual effects pro ducer Leslie McMinn. Although they are still pretty new in the motion pic ture busi ness, their ground break ing open ing credit titles for Stranger Than Fic tion pro pelled them into the spot lights. The sequence is a fas ci nat ing blend of live action and ani mated typog ra phy and infor ma tion graph ics mor ph ing across the screen. News Gothic works won der fully well in this context.

MK12 - James Bond Entrance

The type treatment in the title sequence for Quan tum of Solace is very inter est ing. Seem­ingly random sequences of ver ti cal strokes and cir cles appear and are sub se quently com pleted to form words and names. MK12 custom designed the type face which looks like a clas sic Helvetica-​like grotesque. The type, cre ated from scratch, was mod elled around the per fectly cir cu lar O’s, which were orig i nally meant to sym bol ize bullet cas­ings. The ani ma tion style incor po rates the clas sic trav el ling dot from the barrel sequence, which pre cedes the open ing titles in almost all of the Bond films. Also, by util is ing the spo radic blink ing of basic shapes, the font ani mates in tandem with the stac catos of the main title score and pays homage to the open ing titles from Dr. No (1962) and its designer, Mau rice Binder.
By Font Feed_

Röyksopp - Remind me

Directed by the French motion graphics studio H5. It features a day in the life of a woman working in the London's Square Mile solely through infographics. Great Structure

Charity Shopping

Layout of Living

Simply love this

Private Eye

My favourite magazine i had in my hand today. Clever remarks.

We Need Graphic Design

Cardiff, Wales

Cardiff National Opera House

Saw this building on a recent trip to wales, at night the light behind the typeography creates a beautiful effect.

Cardiff Bay Opera House was a proposed centre for the performing arts in Cardiff Bay, Cardiff, Wales, conceived in the 1990s as a crucial part of the Cardiff Bay redevelopment project. One aim was of the scheme was the creation of a new home for the Welsh National Opera company, which was then based in the New Theatre in Cardiff. The Wales Millennium Centre was built in its place and it opened in 2004.
The plan, supported by the Cardiff Bay Development Corporation, was to construct a permanent home for Welsh National Opera[1] on a site near the Inner Harbour, Cardiff Bay. An international design competition was held and was eventually won by the Iraq-born architect Zaha Hadid. The Hadid design was called the Crystal Necklace by some in the media.[2][3] However, the project failed to win financial support from the Millennium Commission, the body which distributed funds from the UK National Lottery.

Monday 18 May 2009

Live Outside

Tonight i was looking through my work over the last few months. This is my IF YOU COULD BRIEF that i did in April.

If You Could is the self initiated project of London design studio HudsonBec. Working with established designers and illustrators as well as exciting emerging talent we produce work for publishing, exhibitions and events. If You Could has been featured in international design and style press including Creative Review, Grafik, Design Week, Computer Arts, Wonderland Magazine.

Peta 2: Charity Advertisement

This is my final poster for my Charity Brief, my views are irrelevant.

Cris' Laugh of the Month (May)

Wired USA May

Magazine Cover for Wired USA

Discovery Channel

Last weekend saw this advert in animated form, it was a lovely integration between photo and illustration. I think it shows a motion in a very effective way

Saturday 16 May 2009

Mental Blocks Are Useful

During the writing of my recent essay on Jonathan Ives I forgot how to spell the word 'tree' for some reason typed it into google and found this.. Lovely



New Car

>Well it not new but i found the original advert


New Brief

Last Monday we received our new brief, its a goo-den. Its designing a advertisement for the chocolate manufacture Tunnocks. These brief will involve a lot of research, the thing which makes this brief interesting is that this is quite a old fashioned company, maybe involving something with heritage would work well

watch this space


12 Inches

Designed by War Design | Country: Australia

“Imagine being briefed to create striking packaging for a product named after the height of the bottle it’s packaged in. With only small print runs required, there was a real opportunity to have some fun. The solution was to design labels that were also 12″ long, printed onto packing tape using different colours to identify different variants. The labels wrap around the bottle creating a powerful and memorable branding device.”

Seriously this is one of the most distinctive packages i have seen in the last year i think i totally breaks the mould from the typical.


Designed by BVD | Country: Sweden | Fonts used: Helvetica

“A clear strategy for the brand and the range, along with the naming of two new brands: Fixa and Func, tailored to the Nordic market. The Fixa brand comprised kitchen utensils and cleaning implements. Func comprised technical products. The result was two strong brands within one dynamic design system. The packaging design is attractive, clear and highly visible on the shelf.”

Got Milk

Designed by David Fung | Country: United States | Fonts used: Archer

“This was a personal experiment in form, function, and fun. The goal of this redesign was to use a standard milk carton as the canvas to create a clean, modern, and functional design yet still approachable for the average consumer.

Paul Davis

This is the Paul Davis, i love the way his work is a total reflection on what he sees, so people speak before they think, Davis draws before he thinks.